Walking Tours


Experience L.A. 建筑、艺术和历史,以及大自然保护协会获奖的徒步旅行!

L.A. 大自然保护协会很高兴地欢迎我们新的徒步旅行赞助商,唐·弗朗西斯科咖啡. 为了庆祝,从4月27日到5月25日,他们给我们市中心的L.A. 在物资所剩无几的时候,徒步参观唐·弗朗西斯科的礼品袋. No code needed. One per party. Book your tour today!

大自然保护协会是一个致力于保护大自然的非营利组织, recognizing, 振兴洛杉矶的文化和建筑历史名胜. 通过我们的旅行,我们让人们更接近对洛杉矶历史重要的地方.

考虑成为协会会员,享受项目和活动的折扣和预售. Learn more.

Featured Tour

  • All Roads Lead to Westwood: The Village

    Saturday, May 11, 2024 | SOLD OUT

    Join the L.A. 保护一个令人兴奋和难得的机会,参观历史悠久的福克斯工作室地段! The member presale starts now. Login to get access to these tickets. Not a member? Join today!

    See Availability

Recurring Walking Tours


Thank you for your support! 您的购买直接支持了保护协会保护洛杉矶县历史遗迹的使命.

Check out our tour options below!

  • Victorian house located in L.A.'s historic Angelino Heights.

    Angelino Heights

    Every first Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

    探索位于洛杉矶回声公园(Echo Park)以东的这个隐蔽的维多利亚式社区吧.A.’s oldest suburb.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • Art Deco

    Saturdays at 10:15 a.m.

    Everyone knows that L.A. is a glamorous city. 但很少有人知道真正的老好莱坞魅力存在于洛杉矶市中心的街道上.A.!

    See Available Tour Dates
  • The Biltmore Hotel lobby.

    The Biltmore Hotel

    Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Currently unavailable)

    Known in its early days as “The Host of the Coast, the Biltmore Hotel has a glittering history to tell.

    不幸的是,比尔特莫尔酒店之旅现在不开放. We hope to bring it back soon.

  • 百老汇历史剧院及商业区步行之旅

    Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.

    走进豪华的电影宫殿,了解好莱坞的历史是如何在洛杉矶市中心开始的.A.’s Broadway.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • Los Angeles Central Library in downtown Los Angeles.

    Historic Downtown

    Saturdays at 9:45 a.m.

    Get a great overview of downtown L.A. 从18世纪到现在的历史和建筑,在这个周六的徒步旅行中.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • View of downtown Los Angeles skyline.

    Modern Skyline

    Second Saturday of every month at 10:30 a.m.

    Think skyscrapers aren’t historic? Think again! After seeing how downtown L.A. 在过去的一个世纪里不断发展,你将以一种全新的方式看待我们心爱的天际线.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • Past Meets Present

    Fourth Saturday of every month at 10:30 a.m.

    Stroll down L.A.’s Spring Street, one of the oldest in the city, 在这个历史悠久的市中心走廊的背景下,看到一个充满活力的社区.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • Facade of Union Station in Los Angeles.

    Union Station

    Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.

    Learn the backstory of L.A.’s iconic Union Station. 这座非凡的西班牙殖民复兴和装饰艺术纪念碑是为了作为通往洛杉矶的门户而建造的, in many ways, it continues to play today. 它每天仍为成千上万的通勤者提供服务.

    See Available Tour Dates
  • Group Tours (Virtual/In-Person)

    Rates start at $240 for 12 people


    Learn more
  • Student Walking Tour Field Trips


    学生实地考察对学生来说是很好的选择, Scouts, youth groups, homeschoolers, and more!

    Learn more

Walking Tours FAQs


Who Gives the Walking Tours?


Who are the Los Angeles Conservancy Tour Guides?

十大赌博平台排行榜的导游都是训练有素的人, passionate about sharing their love of  Los Angeles, history, architecture, and preservation with others. 他们带着独特的背景和经历来到保护区, 但他们都有一个共同的目标——与他人分享洛杉矶的故事,激发人们对洛杉矶历史建筑的热爱.

Tour Guide Training

All tour guides are volunteers who dedicate their time, energy, 和知识作为十大赌博平台排行榜徒步旅游项目的代言人. 每位导游都要经过为期六周的严格培训课程,包括课堂和街头培训. They learn about architectural styles, the history of downtown and its diverse communities, 以及十大赌博平台排行榜的工作. 他们使用保护区工作人员编写的脚本学习一到两种不同的徒步旅行,并在保护区导游的指导下进行培训. 全年都举办教育和安全讲习班,使导游能够继续接受培训,并达到大自然保护协会徒步旅行的高标准.

请访问我们的志愿者页面了解如何成为十大赌博平台排行榜的一员 volunteer tour guide.

Reservations Required

Advanced registration is required for walking tours. At this time, we are not accepting walk-ups.

Prices and Policies

Tours cost $10 for Los Angeles Conservancy members and youth seventeen and under; $15 for the general public.

Conservancy members can make four adult reservations at the member rate per tour.

All sales are final — no refunds. 您可以更改您的预订日期,如果您在原始预订的游览日期前至少24小时十大赌博平台排行榜.

Please, no pets. Strollers are not recommended.


Registration typically closes 2 hours before the tour.

Responsibility and Release

所有参加洛杉矶自然资源保护协会赞助的徒步旅行的人在知情的情况下自愿接受并承担所有风险, both known and unknown包括感染和/或传播COVID-19和任何其他传染病, and AGREE TO RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, NOT SUE, AND HOLD HARMLESS the Los Angeles Conservancy, its principals, officers, employees, volunteers, sponsors, agents and other participants from any and all claims, 损害赔偿(包括医疗费和律师费), injuries and expenses arising out of, 或由于您自愿参加/参与徒步旅行而产生, 包括感染和/或传播COVID-19和任何其他传染病以及任何和所有其他伤害, illness, disability, 死亡, or loss or damage to person or property. 所有参与者明确放弃加州民法典第1542条的利益, 其中规定:“一般豁免不适用于债权人或豁免方在执行豁免时不知道或怀疑存在对其有利的债权,并且, if known by him or her, 会对他或她与债务人或被释放方的和解产生重大影响吗.”

Check out what people are saying about our tours!


十大赌博平台排行榜教育项目的主要资金是由拉菲特拉基金会和肯尼斯T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation.